Friday, May 6, 2011

Light at the end of the tunnel!!

I know it has been a looooooooooong time since my last blog update…two months to be exact—that is sad, but school has just consumed so much of my time—and when I am not doing school I am exhausted for doing school stuff!! With just 15 days left of this year I am seeing light at the end of the tunnel…. YAAAY!!! With that I decided to update our well really my blog (because Jason has yet to ever post… I don’t know why I thought he would!) There isn’t much to update…. my life right now is school, school, school and I try to fit in some gym and sleep! Those last two sometimes get neglected..which is not good. Since there isn’t a lot of exciting stuff going on in my/our life I decided to take part in 5 question Friday which is hosted by Five Crooked Halos. So, here it goes…

1. Have you ever had roommates?

My whole life…Just the other day I was talking to our Housemate Lupe about having roommates and I realized I have never lived without someone else there…well from November 08- beginning of January 09 I kind of did, but not really). I went straight from living at home to living in a dorm at Texas State for my first two years with Jessica as my freshman roommate and Mallory as my sophomore roommate. Then I moved into an apartment with 2 ofy sorority sisters Carly and Mandy. Then my senior year I moved to a new apartment with 3 sorority sister—Carly, Misha and Gloria. Then that summer I went to work at Camp Honey Creek where I lived in a cabin with Jill and Katie. After that summer I moved in with Jason while I looked for jobs in the Austin area. Stayed with him until November when I bought the house we live in now… now I live with Jason (hubby) and Lupe (housemate). I don’t think I would ever like to live alone—I don’t even like eating alone!!


2. How many names do you/your children have? (i.e. Prince Charming William Phillip Arthur Louis John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt)

Well we don’t have children yet, but we do have dogs---they are just one named kids, Lilly, Bear, and Barley…we have talked about future kids names and they just have the typical first middle and last name…I heard all the names the Prince has and think that is just too many…as a teacher I don’t want to wish a name too hard on my future children.

3. Did you watch the Royal Wedding?

Well…it’s like reading Twilight—I don’t want to admit it, but yea I watched some of it. I totally made fun of my mom who was just in la la land telling when it started on Friday and how she was going to try and get up at 4 AM!!! I thought she and the rest of the world was craaaazy for hyping it all up…but just like Twilight I said I would give it a try to see what everyone was so into…before you know it I was a bit hooked and I was watching the different programs on all the channels.

4. What is the messiest room in your house?

Master bedroom and bathroom by far! Every time we clean we put all of our effort and time into the other rooms in the house… you know the ones guests see. By the time we get to the bedroom we are either out of time or exhausted…so it always gets pushed to another time. It is my goal this weekend to START with those rooms and move to the others!! I will keep you posted if I meet my goal!

5. What is your ideal mothers day?

Having my mom here in Texas where she belongs and spending the day with her doing whatever she wanted to do and having someone else pay for both of our activities Smile

I have always LOVED questionaires and quizzes like this!! Hope you enjoyed! This tired teachers is heading to bed before 10:30 on a Friday night…I know how lame!

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