Monday, July 26, 2010

Miscellaneous Monday


Ok so you might recall Friday’s post I got the idea from my friend Sara….well here is another one I saw her doing on her blog and will now do too…don’t worry  I have confessed my desire to be like her/ copy her :)

The gist of miscellaneous Monday is just that… I talk about a few random things—if you know me you know that I am amazing at being random and talking…so here it goes…



So ever since I got back from helping the rents organize and set up their new house in Ohio I have been on an organizing craze. This is the first summer since I began teaching where I don’t have a million things going on and I’m not wedding planning anymore…so I have been able to focus on doing things to help make the house work for us. Since we are on a tighter budget this year with plane trips and buying a new car I chose to organize—it is free to do! I have organized all closets, drawers, and cabinets in this house. I have one more closet left….the front hall closet…which still has boxes that I never unpacked from when I moved in a year and a half ago…it’s on the to do list for this week! I will have some before and after pictures of my progress coming soon.



During the school year I just could never find the time to really cook outside my comfort level…which is basically just cooking chicken and a side of veggies or browning meat for nachos. So, when I got back from Ohio I had Jason come up with something he wanted for dinner-it was partly because I had been gone 3 weeks and I wanted to make something nice for him and 2 I needed something to motivate me to attempt cooking more than the usual. So, far I have made lasagana and enchilada casserole. Since, cooking doesn’t come natural to me I am a recipe follower to a T. I can’t wing things or think I know how much of certain things to put. Right now I am just attempting one new dish a week and it working nicely. I am trying to collect some recipes that I can try during the school year!




Today I had to wake up at 7 and be somewhere from 8:30-4 for a workshop that was boring…but that’s another story. While there I was talking with some friends from my school about why it’s been so hard for me to lose weight during the summer. (side note: I’m really good at making excuses….but I think this one is legit—well I think all my excuses are legit, but this one really really is!) The reason I think it has been hard for ME (no one else might have this problem and it might sound silly to others) is that during the school year I have a routine established…for example I eat the same thing for lunch everyday—usually a salad or sandwich and fruit and then most days I leave school at 4:45 to get to the gym for a workout class. Then by the time I get home at 7ish after the gym not much time for a heavy dinner so I do something light. This happens most everyday during the school year…ok well it happened after January most everyday when I got back to the gym………..well during the summer I have so much more time to eat than my 30 minute lunch during the school year so I can meet up with the hubby for lunch or friends. Then I have time to cook rich delish meals or meet up with friends for dinner. During the school year it is so easy for me to be like time to leave school and head to the gym, because by 4:45 I’m tired of being at school and the gym is good excuse (see how good I am at those) of getting out of school. Well, during the summer it’s harder for me to get motivated to stop organizing, watching tv, or blogging to change clothes and go to the gym…just not as eager to leave the house. Also, my schedule this summer has been crazy—I’m free a few days, then I have errands, or I have workshops, or I go to Ohio….looooong random story short I need to get back into a routine—that is where I thrive!


I am going to stop there, since some of my random things got long winded when I get on my excuse soap box :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay for delicious cooking! I wish that I could eat some enchilada casserole. Tortillas are hard to come by here...

    I am a champion excuse maker too!

    But I have recently startd to buckle down on myself! Now for exercise I ride my bike to school (here in Japan there is year round school, so the teachers have to be here every day) Today was my second day.

    On my way today my rear end started to hurt and I started thinking "Maybe I will rest tomorrow... Take the bus again..." All because I was a little sore! I had to stop myself.
